Top 20 Dental Blogs of 2015
Hello readers! Welcome to our 2015 Top 20 Dental Bloggers post. I read most of these blogs on a regular basis and I wanted to get out there and let other people know about them!
So without further ado, here we go with my Top 20 Dental Bloggers in 2015! Congratulations to everyone listed!
Please keep in mind this is a list of the top 20 blogs, not necessarily the top 20 in that order, these are just my favorite 20 dental bloggers out there!
If you’re seeking an emergency dentist please head back to our index page!
Top 20 Dental Blogs
1) The Daily Grind
Cathy McNamara
This well written and fairly whimsical blog is shown from the perspective of high ranking student and general dentist members of the academy of general dentistry. The latest post by Lilya Horowitz, “Teeth that bother me” is from the viewpoint of someone who thinks full extraction is nearly always the solution. This very fresh and highly readable, and is overall exactly the kind of content that readers look for in a medical themed blog. The post from earlier last month is by John Gammichia, and is titled “I thought you said this was permanent”. His tone is way above top notch, humorous, and we look for this blogspot to keep evolving into a freshly presented and relevant topic hive of current info.
2) Mouthing off The Blog of the American Student Dental Association
Christian Piers
The official blog of the American Student Dental Association, this is packed with news, main features, a “just for fun” section, and really jumps off the page, meeting and exceeding current standards of how readers want to be engaged. The latest feature post is titled “Is Starbucks Becoming Too Sweet?”. This is not an old fashioned dentist’s scolding piece about the sweets we intake, rather a gentle warning that maybe these beverages shouldn’t be an every day ritual. Student Tabitha Dunham has a great piece on fantasy football as an outlet for students, and this one is very engaging and thorough. She is a third year dental student at The University Of Oklahoma School Of Dentistry, and serves as the president of her local ASDA chapter. Another post further down the line is about how to succeed in a team environment, and is a very useful read in this self centric society.
John Flucke
This blog from this widely known University of Missouri-Kansas graduate is a well followed page that people flock to because they know that John’s authoring and lecturing skills are among the best in the industry. He is a high level consultant to high tech and clinical manufacturers, and a peer review chairman for The State Of Missouri. His latest post is about Samsung’s release of the 16 TB hard drive, and is a very intelligent, in depth look at what is on the horizon vs. when we struggled to even have JPEGs on blogs or websites in the ’90’s.
4) Dear Doctor Dentistry & Oral Health
Dr. Mario Vilardi
This website from a prominent patient education company was launched in 2006 by doctors Mario Vilardi and Garry Rayant. It has earned the full endorsement of three leading professional organizations, and has become a leading source of sorts for patient related dental information. The latest feature of the magazine that is the web and print portal for the duo has very coherent writing, with important features about issues like energy drinks and the fight against big tobacco. Also spotlighting plenty of news about childcare’s dental news, this is a very in depth yet glossy approach for a magazine, and sets the standard for many trying to duplicate the dental forum blog/magazine.
Trish Walraven, RDH, BSDH
This blog is dedicated to the “trends, innovations, and quirks of dentistry”, and is one of the absolute best at injecting bits of humor into the material that we have seen yet. It really does take a special component of someone with knowledge and a great writing voice to write pieces like “Great dental practices are run like great kitchens”, and Trish Walraven is pretty darn good at her craft. This feels a bit like Wired magazine, and that’s good news: this is the content that people crave. It takes a lot to get a bit witty and daring, and saying things like “Stop reading sidebars already and click on some content instead” works wonders for the reader who is tired of clinical presentation.
6) Go ask
Fred Joyal
This blog is about a subject that is of absolute importance to any business, fledgling or profitable: marketing and advertising. A very nuts and bolts type of personality, blog author Fred Joyal has literally helped millions of patients link up with the most suitable dentist for their needs. Fred is a true believer that every single aspect of your practice has an element of marketing tied to it’s success or failure, and he probably is quite right. His most recent post asks if you can ever truly stay ahead of the SEO curve, and this is true meat and potatoes, and from someone who has virtually done it all. His knowledge of Yelp reviews, linking, and embedding is deep, and this is very valuable information.
7) Dentistry IQ
Morris N. Poole, DDS
This subscription based format is a wealth of information that is divided up according to which angle of the industry you are in. Breakthrough clinical newsletters, news on endodontics, practice management, software to help your business, and implantology are all covered here. This is one of those portals that is almost an entire education in itself, and the real plus is that the blog is a bit edgy with very well constructed infographics. Links to free samples, well written articles like “How keeping some debt today can lead to a promising tomorrow for dentists”, and very extensive sections for Hygienists and Assistants make this a very well rounded website. It could truly be said that this is an entire library, and is simply not missing a simple scrap of detail.
8) Martin Jablow DMD, America’s Dental Technology Coach
Martin Jablow DMD
Woodbridge, New Jersey, United States
This helpful online blog by Marty Jablow is the wise writings of America’s true dental technology coach. One of the best lecturers and presenters out there dealing with the realm of technology and how it can streamline your practice, he provides very straightforward information also mixed in with news and other international happenings. His latest post is a case study about zirconia crowns and implant prothesis, and is a hard read for someone that does not know much about dentistry. However, the value of content like this is high, because it shows the practitioner conclusions about the study. Further down the blog, we see a great piece on intraoral scanners and how they are changing the industry. This site could really use some infographics and videos to jazz it up a bit, but the content is relevant enough to speak for itself.
Rachel Wall, RDH, BS
This is the blog of Rachel Wall and her associates, who began a dental consultant company within the realm of hygiene and teaching people to maximize their profits from it. Some people will think that this blog is a bit simple, with not much thought given to article titles, and perhaps without much overall direction. Some may be turned off by it because it is a bit of a portal for someone who clearly enjoys profit and is out there to market her consulting skills. But at a deeper glance, the posts are relevant even though short, and the video content really does provide information of interest. Compared to a blog like Dental Buzz, it seems a bit hurried, but nonetheless provides information as a stronger leg to stand on for her personal marketing.
10) Air Force Dentistry from College to Captain
Matthew Lee, DDS
This blog really fulfills a niche that many are interested in: the viewpoint from someone who is providing a personal account of what it’s like to become an Air Force dentist. A much more personal aspect of blogging is covered here, and his unguarded style will win over many. This is really a very well done narrative, about a student’s life, and how he copes with things like stress and overload. As someone who spent time overseas with missionary parents and knows well about things like deployment and national security, I really enjoyed these writings. So low on the ego and so very high on the down to Earth factor, this blog is to be filed under the “pleasant surprise who I hope makes a lot of money on his blog” label. This is truly following this man’s daily experiences, which is what blogging was intended to be. 4 stars for Matthew Lee and his blog; and two hearty thumbs up.
11) The Wealthy Dentist
Jim Du Molin
This is a blog written by Jim Du Molin, who is a very accomplished marketing expert for North American dentists. We all want to make more money, and so this is a very plausible topic, especially in the current climate. The way this blog is lain out may turn some off right away, because it’s kind of boxy and you feel like there is a newsletter or way to get you on a list at every turn. However, the blog itself if full of sustenance that makes it worthy. Articles such as “Which types of patients are most profitable?” and “Dental marketing budgets and priorities” are going to lead you to success if you read them. There is a bit of a cut throat feel to the writing, describing the urgency to make money. Since this is why some people get into the business, we still have to recommend it as useful and this is someone who would get along well with Charlie Sheen’s character in the epic “Wall Street” film by Oliver Stone.
12) The Dental Warrior®
Michael I. Barr DDS
This blog is written from the perspective of a past navy dentist who is huge on continuing education, and has a very fresh angle on his material: that of the constant warrior, with Tolkien quotes and all. He is ranked as one of the top ten prolific posters on Dentaltown and has over 130,000 subscribers. Talking about his brothers in arms in battle, loving guns, and knowing a lot about marketing gives him an edge that some really love. His last post is about his trials he encountered when his daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, and is a very heartfelt and endearing writing. He has been offline for awhile, and this worries me because I became an instant fan of his grittiness. I sincerely wish him and his daughter well, and will wait patiently for him to “come back”.
13)The Dental Geek
Sheri B. Doniger, DDS
Launched in 2009, this is a blog and forum for users to talk about the topics in dentistry that are sometimes controversial. Beginning with the request to “Enjoy reading and stay flossy”, this blog appealed to us because it truly stokes discussion, and you see the difference in opinions that many have. One recent topic of interest was “Five financial mistakes that hold dentists back”, and I deemed it excellent. Holding off on home ownership, and refinancing issues are addressed very directly, and it really had you envisioning elements like the calculator tallying up your debt vs. livelihood.
14) The Curious Dentist
Chris Salierno, DDS
This blog is put out by Chris Salierno, who is recognized nationally for his talent and wealth of knowledge. His true areas of expertise are practice management, developing leadership, and cosmetic dentistry. What I really applaud him for is for tackling a touchy subject with his latest article: “What Cecil the Lion Means To Dentists”. He is not a loudmouth with a case to prove, rather a very introspective and deep individual. At a closer look, you can tell that this is a portal for him to sell e books and the like, and it is not anywhere near the amount of knowledge you’ll get with a blog like “Mouthing off”. He hasn’t been posting as much lately, and maybe shifting his interests, and the blog as a whole may be drying up just a bit as far as keeping it current.
15) Next Step Dental Resources
Missy Lapic
This blog is written by Missy Lapic, who has been in the industry since 1997. She prides herself on not wanting to take the public speaking route, rather loving spending time around her office which is now running like a well oiled machine. She has developed tools such as a new patient reservation system that is kind of the lead generating machine/idea behind this blog. Still full of useful articles like “If I were To Die Today”, she asks if her own office would run as smooth as it does now if she disappeared tomorrow. Like some of the other blogs we ranked high, this one appealed to me because she is unguarded, and admits some of her obsessive ways to deal with things. A portal to buy some of her software and materials, this is still worth much more than a quick glance, as the most recent article deals with the ever present issue of collections.
16) New Dentist Now
Dr. Hobart
This is a blog presented by The New Dentist Committee of the American Dental Association. Geared towards dentists who have been in the business less than ten years, this is a very practical resource that still has a great personal touch. One of the most recent articles is about a new dentist’s experiences in Hurricane Joaquin, by DR. Emily Hobart. A nice personal account that is well written, it adds to the flavor of the blog and is a great resource all around. Another recent post that is relevant and timely is about having a “3 months before you open checklist”, and Rich Mclver was a great authority to write it.
17) My FLOSS-ophy
Carol Jahn
Centered around “the musings of a dental hygienist”, blog author Carol Jahn is presently the director of professional relations and education at Water Pik corporate office. Some of her recent posts are put there to optimize her training material, but we have to admit the training material looks pretty good, tackling subjects like practicing smarter, doing things a bit different than you learned in school, and dealing with generation gaps. You can tell this is a blog centered around a pay service, and that may steer some away in the long run.
18) Ask Dr. Spindel
Lawrence Spindel DDS
This blogspot is all about advice and education on dental subjects, and the most recent article is about different views between new patients and old patients. The author is a Manhattan preventative and cosmetic dentist and he’s been blogging for ten years. Another recent post was regarding medical savings accounts, and their value. This author at first glance does not have quite the draw as say our fellow Air Force Blogger or some of the others, but his practice is obviously tried and true, and there is definitely knowledge to be gleaned here. Basic posts like “How do I know you are a good dentist”? Are a bit on the everyday end, but this would still be a great blog for a student or anyone to get information from a longtime authority in the field.
19) The Tooth Booth Dental Blog
Hans Skariah, B.Sc., DMD
This is the blog of Hans Skariah, dentist at Promenade Court Dental and Plattsville, from Ontario, Canada. As a whole, these are very short blurbs, and not entirely full articles. The information presented however, is useful and worth reading, but it has been not really kept up on as of late. The last post was around April, but since we blog ourselves, we know how tough it can be to keep up on duties while running a successful practice. There are some great emergency dental care tips and information about his clinic; for the one stop blogs that really offer you the Rolls Royce of topic selection, we recommend reading ones like “Mouthing Off” and Go Ask Fred.
20) Exceptional Dental Practice Management
Linda Curtis
This blog is put forth by dentist practice manager/dental assistant Linda Curtis, who has over 16 years of experience and has a strong interest in character issues regarding dentistry. She has 6 published articles in Contemporary Dental Assisting, and is a proud grandmother. The blog has not been updated for a few months, which is the case with many who wear a numerous different hats. There’s not too much going on here at the moment as far as content or updating, but sometimes these are the bloggers that come back strong in the fall, and knock your socks off with insight and knowledge. This final entry in our list should probably be classified under a “Stay tuned” department, for future viewing.