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Emergency Dentist Kentucky

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Walk in Dentist Kentucky

Emergency Dentist KentuckyWelcome to Emergency Dentists USA, Kentucky! You will find that this page is extremely useful at doing a number of things. For one, we are going to help you find an emergency dentist in the most efficient manner as possible. Secondly, we are going to be teaching you a little about the state that you live in so you have a better general idea of where Kentucky ranks with regards to oral health in the United States. We will also provide you with information on where you can find the best dental insurance plans if you don’t have one already.

Where Does Kentucky Rank?

When it comes to oral care in Kentucky there are a number of factors that we like to look at. We usually start by taking a look at the total number of dentists that inhabit the area. Kentucky, surprisingly holds it’s own at 2, 580 when compared to the other states in our nation. That may not sound like a lot to you but considering it’s size, 2,580 dentists is quite formidable.

Of course, looking at the total number of dentists really can’t tell us too much about the quality of the oral health of the residents in Kentucky. No, we prefer to look at more telling statistics like:

  • The percentage of adults who have visited a dental practice in the past year, 63.2% (National Average: 69.7%)
  • The percentage of elderly adults who have had all of their natural teeth removed in the past year, 27.4% (National Average: 17%)

As you can see, Kentucky is not exactly considered one of the better states in our nation with regards to oral health. Thus, one might be right to assume that there are probably more dental emergencies in the state. That just simply means that this page has become even more important to you!

Insurance Problem?

One of the most interesting things that we have found out about our visitors is that a portion of them don’t even have dental insurance. This is further evidenced by the fact that over 15% of the overall population found in Kentucky does not have health insurance.

Thus, we thought it might be helpful if we provided you with some information about how you could acquire dental insurance for yourself if you are interested (if you are not interested then skip ahead to the “find an emergency dentist” section below.)

There are a number of dental insurance plans that you can apply for. However, what we have found is that most of our visitors just really want to know how much the dental insurance will cost them per month. Take a look below:

  • An average dental insurance plan will typically cost you between $25-$60 per month
  • Kentucky dental insurance plans will typically cost 1 person between $15.50-$30 per month (based on our independent research, keep in mind that your situation could yield completely different prices.)
  • A perfect resource that you can use to find dental insurance in Kentucky is ehealthinsurance.com Kentucky.

Need To Find An Emergency Dentist Right Now?

Well, this is really the reason you came here right?

You have an emergency and you need to find a dentist right away. We are proud to say that we can help you in that regard. For a while we have been building up our “24 hour emergency dentist” database. The premise of our idea here is simple. We have divided the rest of this page up into the cities found in Kentucky. All you have to do is locate your city or a city close to you to find an emergency dentist willing to take you on. Here are the following criteria that we look at when including a new urgent care dentist in our database:

  • They have to work on weekends (Saturday and Sunday.)
  • They have to be open 24 hours a day.
  • They have to be considered a “quality” dental clinic by independent reviewers or peers.
  • They have to be willing to work on Holidays.

Emergency Dentist in Kentucky
The clinics in our database also have to be willing to take patients with the following problems:

  •  Toothaches
  • Sport injuries
  • Broken teeth
  • Lost teeth
  • Lost crowns or fillings
  • Many other dental issues

(Disclaimer: All statistics found on this site with the exception of the insurance statists was found at statehealthfacts.org. Also, if your city is not listed below that simply means that we haven’t done the research yet to include it. Given enough time all the cities in Kentucky will be listed below. Thank you for your patience.)