Oral health is an extremely important part of a person’s overall health. Did you know that the American Dental Association states that you should visit your dentist for a routine cleaning and checkup at least once every six months? Poor oral health and dental care can often be the underlying causes of other health problems. It is easy for oral ...
Continue Reading »Oral Thrush Treatment Over-the-Counter Options and Advice
Oral thrush occurs inside a person’s mouth and appears on the tongue, inner cheek, gums or inner lips. The lesions which form and develop in a person’s mouth are caused by a yeast-shaped fungus called Candida albicans. Oral thrush typically affects young infants, although children and adults can be diagnosed with it too. Infants are more commonly affected by thrush ...
Continue Reading »What Do Conscious Sedation Dentists Do?
Conscious sedation is a type of procedural sedation dentistry that is administered to a patient prior to a dental procedure. This is done to help a patient relax, particularly if they are feeling anxious or nervous about the procedure. When a person goes through conscious sedation, they are awake and responsive during the entire dental procedure but do not feel ...
Continue Reading »What Does a Retainer Orthodontist Do?
Orthodontists are specially trained professionals who diagnose overbites, misaligned teeth and jaws, overcrowded mouths, and more. They differ from dentists in that they are professionally trained to fix alignment issues which can help treat overbites, underbites, crooked teeth, and so on. When a dentist refers a patient to an orthodontist for misalignment of teeth, an orthodontist does a full examination ...
Continue Reading »What Is a Dental Spa? Our Top 10 Favorites in the US
People don’t usually think of relaxation and relief when they think of the dentist. Instead, they usually think of uncomfortable environments, pain, and even anxiety. Going to the dentist can be a stressful and anxiety-ridden experience for some people—and this is why so many people often refuse to go to regular checkups. To make the experience of going to the ...
Continue Reading »Finding Dentists Who Use Nitrous Oxide Near Me
Not all of us can keep our cool in the dentist’s chair when undertaking dental treatment. All too often, dental patients will dread their appointment and will experience intense fear and anxiety once they walk through the doors to receive their surgery or operation. After all, not everyone is comfortable with shiny metallic devices being crammed into their mouths for ...
Continue Reading »Dental Cleaning Tools: An Overview and FAQs
Going to the dentist is something that we all should be doing on a regular basis. Though these preventative visits have major benefits and can be a huge impact on our health, it can be a bit scary for some. Both children and adults can have some level of fear or uncertainty about these visits, even if they have been ...
Continue Reading »Expander Teeth FAQs and General Info

In a perfect world, our jaws would be just the right size for our teeth and they would all come in straight and even and orthodontic treatment would be unheard of. Unfortunately, this just does not happen. Jaws can be underdeveloped, leading to crowding, or overdeveloped, resulting in gaps between the teeth. Teeth themselves will come in however they feel ...
Continue Reading »How Blue Light Teeth Whitening Works

The staining and yellowing of teeth is something that just about everyone will have to deal with as they get older. Even if you have impeccable dental hygiene, things like drinking, smoking, or even a daily coffee habit can still cause our teeth to look less than pearly white. Surface stains, also known as extrinsic stains, are just one part ...
Continue Reading »How Does a Tooth Splint Work?

Though we all lose primary teeth, it can be very unnerving to have loose permanent teeth. No one wants to lose one of their adult teeth. Fortunately, dentists have several ways in which they can save a tooth or loose teeth due to injury, periodontal disease, or bruxism. If they are going to try to avoid pulling the tooth out, ...
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